ささゆり庵 sasayuri-ann

Off the beaten track authentic Japan.
Deluxe Private Rental Villa.

クインシー動画 マインドフルネス動画
蔵王 ZAO 蔵王 ZAO 蔵王 ZAO

Traditional Japan’s idyllic landscape.
Experience of nostalgic life in Satoyama,
Mountain village.

Bringing back Japan's landscape of the past and a traditional living style. The wind leaves greetings on the terraced rice fields. People going about their daily activities just as in the days of old. The sky’s delicate colors changing by the minute. What you see right in front of the thatched-roof villa is just how life was lived in Japan. Experience Japan’s nature and traditions — listen to nature’s soft whispers that change with each season. Visitors to the SASAYURI-ANN ZAO leave with a new, refreshed sense of their selves and how to live back in their world.

山里の夕暮れ 蔵王室内 蔵王外観
おづぬ おづぬ おづぬ

The Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space make priceless time for meditation.

Five universal elements, and mindfulness time. The three-tier landscape consisting of a landscaped garden, a pine forest, and mountain peaks compose a marvelous view. Filled with Japan's sense of beauty that values beauty without end and how nature breathes,, you can immerse yourself in a more gently flowing time and space. An attentive experience of Japanese traditions lets you reflect on your inner self.

おづぬの庭園 おづぬ外観 おづぬ室内


ロケーション Location

In the rich nature setting of , time flows slowly. SASAYURI-ANN offers magnificent views of open skies and serene mountain peaks. Looking toward “The Road of the Sun" that appears in the earliest legends of Japan, all your senses will commune with the five universal elements — the Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space.


山々の風景 Landscape


紅葉する山々 Season




茅葺式屋根 STAY

Thatched dwellings that originated in the Jomon period. Cuisine featuring regional specialties and ingredients and exquisite cooking techniques. With the arts of the bamboo flute, flower arrangement, tea ceremony, and Shugendo, our villa will let you enjoy all these distinctive features of Japan.

Precious moment

食事の風景 Precious moment







護摩焚き THEME

The theme of “fire” is seen in SASAYURI-ANN with its open hearths and Fire Ritual, our tea and incense ceremonies, puts you back in touch with the primitive instincts that allowed people to connect with each other and to sense the mystery of ancient days.

FIRE, Memory of Primitive

香炉 FIRE, Memory of Primitive

FIRE, Memory of Primitive



The villa situated high above is a perfect place to remove yourself from the everyday hustle and bustle of urban environments and allow all your senses to calm down from dealing with the stress of the external world. Feel the sound, light and smells that resonate within your soul, be conscious of your own breathing and return to being part of Nature. Your mind can free itself from external distractions. Villa owner is a Shugendo practitioner and will guide you into deep meditation and show how it will enrich your daily life.

Sitting Meditation Fire Meditation Tea-ism Sound Meditation
Blowing Meditation Walking Meditation Flower-ism Chanting Meditation
Sitting Meditation
Blowing Meditation
Fire Meditation
Walking Meditation
Sound Meditation
Chanting Meditation
クインシー動画 ささゆり庵オリジナルCD『奈良・ナーダヨーガ』~修験道山伏行者による音瞑想世界~のご紹介 クインシー動画 尺八動画



SASAYURI-ANN villa represents a distinctive spirit and culture unique to Japan and the Japanese people. Our guests at the villa will experience Japan's ancient culture, sense of beauty, and a traditional style of living. The calming experience allows one to look back at where they hail from and rediscover one's idea of self. We hope that a visit to our villa will serve as an opportunity to see and appreciate differences between people but also discover the "oneness" that flows within us all.

庵主写真 Proprietor photo
庵主写真 Proprietor photo
庵主写真 Proprietor photo

庵主 山伏 松林正哲(法名)
Shotetsu Matsubayashi
Mountain priest