


Nara Nada Yoga
  Track Title Sample
M1 Taiko Drum: Shichi, Go, San  
M2 Horagai Opening  
M3 Heart Sutra  
M4 Tuning Forks  
M5 Waterfall Meditation
M6 Buddhist Bell Meditation
M7 Tanpura Meditation
M8 Shugendo Mantra  
M9 Buddhist Mantra  
M10 Hindu Mantra  
M11 Shinto Mantra  
M12 Shakuhachi: Sokkan  
M13 Bells & Bowls  
M14 Salt of the Sound  
M15 Horagai Ending  
M16 Taiko Drum: Shichi, Go, San  
Special Track Water Stream Meditation
  • Introduction in English

Nara Nada Yoga
~ Sound Meditations of a Shugendo Mountain Priest ~

We are living in an era of unprecedented and dramatic change to our economic and ecological systems. This change is something that we are only beginning to deeply understand as to how they interconnect with our own personal sense of well-being and even survival.

In Japan, around 500 years ago - during the turbulent years of war of the Sengoku Era - the military commanders of the samurai warrior class developed a passion for zazen meditation, flower arrangement and the tea ceremony. During this time of great conflict and unrest each of these cultural activities began to flourish. As a natural consequence, the warrior class developed mindfulness as a source of strength to overcome the emotions of fear, frustration and anxiety. For them, seated in zazen meditation, enlightenment was simply a means of release from these negative emotions that threatened their ability to survive in a time of war.

Presented here in this CD, are sound meditations that we hope our guests visiting Sasayuri-ann can find useful in their personal meditation practices. We present them for you, so that you may continue to lead a prosperous life at the dawn of a new era of impending global upheaval in the 21st century.

As sentient beings, our bodies, minds and souls are innately sensitive to physical sensations and phenomena as perceived through our five senses. The power of sound, its vibrations and reverberations have a particularly powerful effect to awaken the soul. This is why mankind has since ancient times used the sounds of musical instruments and the human voice in ceremonies, rituals and meditation. Their purpose is to enable the majestic sound spirit, word spirit, incense and fire spirits to awaken the soul. Spirit, we can say, is the vibrations that awaken our various senses.

When we look at the laws of quantum mechanics, we come to understand that the human soul or spirit - even though invisible - has a vibrating frequency; just like all substances or matter. In the world of stress and disharmony that we live in, meditating is a practical means to recover a healthy spirit and energy. By returning to a state of nothingness, emptiness, vibration of the creative source and love - our natural and original state of being - we can experience the higher frequencies of nature and rediscover the simple and naturally abundant feeling of being wondrously alive.

This selection of recordings brings to you the voices and sounds of Japan. Even if you have limited experience with meditation it is easy for you to feel these sounds and vibrations that have, for many centuries, offered listeners the opportunity to experience a state of meditation and harmony with nature. We hope you can use these recordings as an entry point into meditation. They can enable you to relax beyond the chaotic ramblings of the mind and return to that place inside yourself where you can regain a sense of your heart and soul.

These sound recordings have been presented in a way that is easy for anyone and everyone to naturally and effortlessly experience what meditation is all about. Usually, only wise Zen masters, who have practiced meditation for many years, can enter a deep state of meditation within a short period of time.

However, the sounds recorded on track numbers 5, 6 and 7 included on this CD, make it possible for anyone to experience a deep meditative state quite easily.

There are three primary types of sound to aid your meditation practice; Waterfall, Buddhist Bell and Tanpura.

While seated in a stable posture, with your legs half-crossed - if possible, sitting with one foot placed on the opposite thigh - close your eyes and try to focus your attention on the continuous sound. At the beginning of each track, the continuous sound lasts for 40 seconds. This sound will suddenly stop and is then followed by a period of silence lasting for 70 seconds. The continuous sound is heard again for 40 seconds, and then silence again for 70 seconds. This sequence is repeated 5 times, followed by a longer period of silence lasting 7-8 minutes. When you listen to these tracks during meditation, please try to choose a place that is as quiet as possible. To enhance the experience of silence, the continuous sound suddenly stops and this dramatic change from sound to silence triggers your five senses to enter a state of suspended calm more easily.

Track 5: The roar of the Fudo Falls in the valley of the Akame 48 waterfalls.
Track 6: The ring of a Buddhist bell that emits sound waves at a frequency of 528 Hz.
Track 7: The drone of the tanpura, a traditional instrument in Indian classical music.

To enter a state of meditation, mental focus and body-mind awareness are the first steps. Conventional wisdom tells us that to develop this level of concentration is not easy and takes a lot of practice. However, by focusing your attention, with your eyes closed, on the continuous sounds on these tracks, the mind is able to more naturally and easily enter a state of mental clarity, called muga-ichinen in Japanese; a strong concentration of consciousness to one object or sound, in a state of selflessness.

With your eyes closed, the abrupt end to the continuous sound triggers your five senses to a focused state of heightened concentration; it is an experience of void, close to what we can say is the original state of the universe. During this period of silence, your awareness will automatically transition into a deep meditative state. This state of consciousness is called muga-munen or munen-musou, a state of selflessness, without thought. It is an experience of the void or nothingness.

However, as is the nature of the mind, this state of calm does not usually last for long, perhaps 2-3 seconds. After these few seconds your awareness returns to the mental state of tanen-tasou - consciousness with thoughts - the regular preoccupations and delusions of the mind. Through repeated experience, the mind more easily transitions to ichinen-musou - the strong concentration of consciousness to one object or sound - and begins to remember this state of deep mental unification that is experienced in the silence.

Nada is a Sanskrit word meaning `continuous sound'. Nada Yoga means yoga using sound, whereby you initially achieve a spiritual concentration by listening to the continuous pure sound, and your concentration then changes into a state of meditation. In other words, Nada Yoga is `meditation yoga through sound', which is different to the various forms of music therapy.

In the past, many Indian saints and sages such as the mystic poet Kabir (1407-1518) practiced Nada Yoga, by concentrating and meditating on sacred sounds. Tenpu Nakamura (1876-1968), regarded as a yoga saint in Japan, created methods to cultivate consciousness and concentration from his own meditation experience, and spread them within Japan. Since ancient times, mankind has been using sound vibration to enter the mysterious state of trance and to meditate on their inner world.

What is Nara Nada Yoga? In ancient times, the Nara region was the eastern end of the Silk Road passing through the entire Eurasian continent, as well as the founding place of the nation of Japan. Various cultures, civilizations, religions, and philosophies flowed from west to east in the same direction as the flow of the jet stream. The movement of people also came to this terminal station of the Silk Road. Nara was a cultural crucible and one of the reasons why Shugendo, a mountain yogic tradition originates from Nara. This form of faith has elements of Shinto, Esoteric Buddhism, Taoism and Onmyodo (The Way of Yin and Yang).

Nara Nada Yoga is a sound meditation including the primitive otodama (sound spirits) using the horagai (triton conch shell) and taiko drum performances from Shugendo, combined with the kotodama (sacred words) and expressions of mantra, transmitted from ancient India. Nara, as the birthplace of ancient Japanese civilization, has evolved and developed into the modern age, which naturally makes it an appropriate place to create this series of sound meditations to then transmit them to the rest of the world. This is the vision of Shotetsu Matsubayashi, the owner of Sasayuri-ann, who has practiced these techniques for many years and who continues to chant on a daily basis.

In meditation, first close your eyes, focus your consciousness on the simple continuous sound, you will then naturally enter a state of meditation at the moment of the sudden silence. Various delusions and emotions often cloud our mind. The process to remove this mental cloud is what we refer to as meditation. But like the hard disk of a computer, the human brain is repeatedly outputting thoughts, emotions and other responses to stimuli from the nervous system about 30,000 times a day. Therefore, it is not easy to remove the delusions, thoughts and emotions from our minds to allow ourselves to experience a clear mind and heart.

By selecting your preference from tracks 5, 6, or 7, you can sit and meditate for 5 or 10 minutes every day, and eventually you will come to effortlessly experience the state of Zazen meditation, unswayed by delusions and emotions. This simple practice of Zazen meditation does not interfere with, but actually enhances your daily routines.

A constant state of meditation and mindfulness cannot usually be maintained in daily life. Only when practicing zazen meditation regularly can you maintain a clear mind. By listening to this CD with your eyes closed, you naturally come to experience the state of empty mind, called munen-musou, a state of selflessness, without thought. Once you come to easily experience this mental state, then you can try listening to the CD with your eyes half-open. This form of zazen is practiced by adjusting your line of sight about one meter ahead.

While you listen to the continuous sounds on the CD, you will come to recognize and become comfortable with this mental state of spiritual union, called muga-ichinen. You will also begin to experience the meditative states of muga-musou, munen-musou, regardless of the visual stimulation that enters your brain. When you develop your ability to meditate with these approaches, you will be able to maintain a state of mindfulness, without being influenced and swayed by the rollercoaster of emotions in everyday life.

Even if you are sometimes overwhelmed with your emotions, by developing your mind to be unmoved by feelings and external stimulus, you will be able to more naturally return to the original state of calmness. Being aware of these mental and emotional conditions, enables you to quickly shift your consciousness more effortlessly. We hope this meditation CD can provide an access point, the guidance and way towards a more abundant and fulfilled way of living, helping you to restore your original heart and soul, your feelings of peace with harmony and co-existence in nature.

Our wish at Sasayuri-ann is to provide our guests with the opportunity to realize this traditional Japanese experience of mindfulness, so that we can all find a good balance between our souls and material wealth and well-being. This is necessary if we are to recover a healthy global environment.

Rather than living life focused on the surface appearances of things, true abundance comes through experiencing our relationship with the deeper levels of reality. This can happen through an effortlessly practice of meditation.

The owner of Sasayuri-ann - an expert in the ancient tradition of Shugendo yamabushi, as taught at Kinpusen-ji Temple in Yoshino, Nara Prefecture - has produced this CD hoping that Nara, as the birthplace of ancient Japan, can again prosper as the place, the new Nara, from which to transmit Japan's ancient and rich spiritual culture to the world.

Gassho, in prayer
Shotetsu Matsubayashi
Owner of Sasayuri-ann

01 Taiko Drum: Shichi, Go, San

Historically, the Taiko drum (Wadaiko, or Japanese drum) is used within Shinto rituals to commune with the gods. The Taiko announces the beginning and end of the ritual and is present in both Shinto and Buddhism. Taiko are included as otodama (sound spirits) to invoke a deity during festivals. Shichi, Go, San - literally, `Seven, Five, Three' - is a traditional Japanese technique called otoshi, which creates a sublime atmosphere. Since ancient times, almost all minorities have used the Taiko as a means for channeling, so wadaiko can be regarded as the origins of channeling in Japan.

02 Horagai Opening

The horagai, made from a Triton conch shell, is inseparable from Shugendo. Its origins of use within rituals date from ancient India and Tibetan Mahayana Buddhism. In modern era India, the shankha conch shell trumpet is used in Brahmanic and Hindu homa rituals. Horagai reproduce the sacred primordial sounds of a-un, or om and aum, generated by the cosmic vibration that resulted in the creation of the universe and earth, which are also expressed in the chants and mantra of Tantric Buddhism.

Horagai are important in the creation of otodama, or sound spirits. By reproducing the sound of the sacred mantras, the Shugendo practitioner instantaneously creates a meditative state of Nada Yoga, momentarily generating ichion-jobutsu - the attainment of enlightenment through a single note - and sougon-sekai, the majestic world. Along with the wadaiko, the horagai has been used for channeling by many minorities in Japan, creating sound spirits to connect with the deities since ancient times.

03 Heart Sutra

The Heart Sutra, or Hannya Shingyo in Japanese, meaning `The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom', is the most important sutra chanted in Mahayana Buddhism, preaching the important truths of the universe. Importantly, the sound vibration of the sutra itself, provides purification and spiritual cleansing to the listener.


The Bodhisattva of Compassion, when he meditated deeply, saw the emptiness of all five skandhas and sundered the bonds that caused him suffering. Here then, form is no other than emptiness, emptiness no other than form. Form is only emptiness, emptiness only form. Feeling, thought, and choice, consciousness itself, are the same as this. All things are by nature void. They are not born or destroyed. Nor are they stained or pure. Nor do they wax or wane. So, in emptiness, no form. No feeling, thought, or choice. Nor is there consciousness. No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind; No colour, sound, smell, taste, touch, or what the mind takes hold of, nor even act of sensing. No ignorance or end of it. Nor all that comes of ignorance; No withering, no death, no end of them. Nor is there pain, or cause of pain, or cease in pain, or noble path to lead from pain; Not even wisdom to attain! Attainment too is emptiness. So know that the Bodhisattva holding to nothing whatever, but dwelling in Prajna wisdom, is freed of delusive hindrance, rid of the fear bred by it, and reaches clearest Nirvana. All Buddhas of past and present, Buddhas of future time, using this Prajna wisdom, come to full and perfect vision. Hear then the great dharani, the radiant peerless mantra, the Prajnaparamita whose words allay all pain; hear and believe its truth!
Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha.
Gone, gone, gone beyond. Gone altogether beyond. Oh, what an awakening. All hail!
This completes the `The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom'.

04 Tuning Forks

When listening to two tuning folks resonating at different pitches - 263.8Hz and 256Hz - your brain waves try to synch at 7.8Hz, within the difference between the two pitches. 7.8Hz is one of the frequencies of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum called the Schumann Resonances (SR), and also the frequency of alpha- and theta- waves within the brain. This frequency regulates human brain activity, enabling you to easily enter a state of meditation. When striking a pair of cymbal-like bells called tingsha, Tibetan Buddhist practitioners synch their meditating brain waves with the difference of pitch between the two bells. For this purpose, these ritual cymbals are struck together at the opening and ending of periods of meditation.

05 Waterfall Meditation: Nada Yoga Meditation

06 Buddhist Bell Meditation: Nada Yoga Meditation

07 Tanpura Meditation: Nada Yoga Meditation

08 Shugendo Mantra

This mantra of purification has been chanted within Shugendo ceremonies for over 1300 years.

`The sky I belong to is pure. The land I belong to is pure. Both my outer and inner self is pure.
My six senses are pure. My mind is pure. Thus, my body is clean, without impurity.
Because my body is pure, it can connect with the sacred gods.
Every deed and behavior should be conducted, as it follows holy providence.
Be clear and pure and your wishes and dreams will come true.
You will receive limitless fortune. The heavenly bliss of spiritual treasure.
Now I am content to have enough, as my mind is clean and pure.'

Om bodhi-cittam utpadayami
Om, I aspire to evolve the awakened mind
Om samayas tvam
Om, I am united in the vow

09 Buddhist Mantra

In Sanskrit, sat means `truth' and sang `to gather or associate'. Satsang can be interpreted as `a group of people who seek the highest truth', or `a community with a strong connection to the gods'. This mantra was chanted by the sannyasin (disciples) who gathered around Buddha 2500 years ago.

Buddham Saranam Gacchami
I will be under the protection of Buddha, the one who achieved enlightenment.

Sangham Saranam Gacchami
I will be under the protection of the commune of Buddha, the one who achieved enlightenment.

Dhamman Saranam Gacchami
I will be under the protection of the ultimate truth of Buddha, the one who achieved enlightenment.

Gate gate para-gate para-sam-gate bodhi svaha
Gone, gone, gone beyond. Gone altogether beyond. Oh, what an awakening. All hail!

10 Hindu Mantra

The Gayatri Mantra, a highly revered mantra of Hinduism, contains the essential wisdom of the Vedas - 3000 year-old religious texts - and was originally only permitted to be chanted by practitioners of yoga. It was widely dispersed internationally by followers of the Indian guru Sathya Sai Baba (1926-2011). Repeatedly chanting the Gayatri Mantra is believed to enable you to awaken your inner-self deity.

Om bhūr bhuvah svah Let us adore the supremacy of that divine sun, who illuminates all,
Tat savitur varenyam Who recreates all, from whom all proceed, to whom all must return,
Bhargo devasya dhīmahi Whom we invoke to direct our understandings aright
Dhiyo yo nah pracodayāt In our progress toward his holy seat
Om, shanti, shanti, shanti Om, peace, peace, peace

11 Shinto Mantra

Hi-fu-mi literally means `one, two, three'. This mantra is carved into Kagami Ishi rock at Heitate Shrine in Kumamoto Prefecture, and thought to date from over 15,000 years ago. Its ancient meaning is beyond human recognition. It was also included in the Hitsuki Shinji (Sun-Moon Revelation), composed using methods of automatic writing by Shinto scholar and painter Tenmei Okamoto (1897-1963). This holy mantra has an esoteric, spiritual power succeeded from ancient times.

`One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, a hundred, a thousand, tens of thousands.
Plant the flower bulbs, knot the threads, grow an abundance of strong hemp.
May the rampant evils go far away. Dig with holiness, increasing in sweat.
Shaking, floating, shaking.'

`Counting one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, a hundred, a thousand, tens of thousands.
Scatter the seeds, plant the bulbs, and you will receive auspicious blessings.
Hemp, strong in vitality and grown in abundance, will banish evil spirits.
You cultivate the land, provided from the heavens, with your sweat, with all your might.'

12 Shakuhachi: Sokkan

The shakuhachi is a Japanese bamboo flute that produces harmonic overtones. For practitioners of the Fuke-shu school of Zen Buddhism, playing this instrument during meditation is equivalent to chanting sutras. Hozen (walking Zen) of Shugendo and Zazen (seated Zen) of Zen Buddhism, Suizen (blowing Zen) are standard meditation methods in Japan. This track is titled Sokkan, meaning `watching the breath'. Originally, aji - the letter A - was a monosyllabic Sanskrit character representing the Mahavairocana Sutra. It is thought that `everything starts with the letter A and ends with the letter A', meaning `the whole universe is ultimately a void'.
Ajikan, observing the letter `A', is a visualization-mindfulness practice, where focus is applied on a specific Sanskrit letter during meditation. Among these methods are Asokkan, Gachirinkan and Ajikan, which are all related to Zazen. Sokkan is a masterpiece of the traditional repertoire, using the breathing method of Asokkan. It is performed by the shakuhachi master Toshimitsu Ishikawa, whose live performances can be heard at Sasayuri-ann.

13 Bells & Bowls

Improvisation with standing bells, hand bells and bowls.

14 Salt of the Sound: Breathe New Life

Music by Salt of the Sound, mixed with recordings of the flowing river at Akame 48 waterfalls, as featured in the soundtrack of `Spiritual Mindfulness Adventure', a video by Sasayuri-ann.

15 Horagai Ending

Everything has a beginning and ending, as does each prayer, ritual and meditation.
It is thought that `everything starts with the letter A, and ends with the letter A'.
Likewise, every Shugendo practice begins and ends with the sacred sound of `a-un'.

16 Taiko Drum: Shichi, Go, San

The sound of the Taiko drum announces the ending of the communion with `something great'.


今、地球社会は、これまでにない程の気象的、経済的大激変の時代を迎えています。 日本においては、かつて、500年位前に殺戮の「戦国時代」の激動の時代に、武将達が、座禅、華道、茶道を好みその文化を花咲かせました。 これらマインドフルネスの力を武人達は、恐怖感、焦燥感、不安などの感情を乗り越えるために、座禅をはじめとする瞑想的「求道」に光明をもとめたことは至極当然の成り行きであったのでしょう。 21世紀のこれからの地球規模の大激動の時代に、瞑想を通じて、ご縁がある皆様がさまざまな事象に動じることなく、心豊かに、これからの時代を楽しく生きていただきたいのが「ささゆり庵」庵主の願いです。


このCDは日本的な音や声で、瞑想体験の少ないあなたでも簡単に瞑想状態へと導き、大自然や宇宙と調和して、感情や雑念に囚われずに、本来のあなたの心と魂を取り戻して、日々の生活を豊かに過ごしていただく入り口、そしてヒントになればと願います。そして大切なのは、誰でも直ぐに瞑想体験をできる。「Everyone can do.」であるということです。 す~っと短時間で瞑想状態に入るには禅の老師のように長い期間修練を続けた達人でなければ出来ませんが、これを誰でも簡単に体験できる工夫をこのCDに収録したTrack no. 5,6,7の音で可能にしました。

半跏趺坐などの安定した姿勢で、最初にまず目を閉じて、これらTrackの連続音に意識を集中してください。 この連続音は40秒間連続して続きます。やがて、音が突然消え無音状態が70秒間続きます。そして、再び、連続音が40秒間続き、70秒間間無音状態がつづきます。これが5回繰り返されたのちに、7~8分間の無音静寂状態がつづき、これで、終了。瞑想の際は、出来るだけ静かな空間で、行ってください。なぜなら連続音から突然の無音に入ることにより、その静寂がドラマチックになり五官機能が停止状態に入りやすいからです。

5は、赤目四十八滝の中にある不動滝の瀑音、6は、528Hzの音波を発する鐘Buddhist bell、7は、インドの楽器「Tampura」の連続音が収録されています。

瞑想状態に入るには、その前段階の「精神集中、精神統一」が十分なされて初めて、瞑想状態に入ることができます。 しかしながら、この精神統一が簡単には実現できません。

Nada とはサンスクリット語で連続的なと言う意味で、Nada Yogaとは、連続的なシンプルな単音を聴くことで、まづ意識的に精神統一をもたらし、その後、精神統一が途切れた途端に瞑想状態へ非連続的にシフトすることで、音を利用したヨーガを意味します。即ち作者のいうところのNada Yogaとは「音による瞑想ヨーガ」で、音楽セラピーとは違うと言えます。古くは、インドのヨーガ聖者カビール( Kabir 1407-1518)をはじめ、多くの聖者聖賢達は、この聖なる音に意識を集中して瞑想するNada Yogaナーダヨーガを行ってきました。また、日本ではヨーガ聖者の中村天風(Tenpu Nakamura 1876-1968 )は自身の経験からこの音による意識集中と瞑想をあみ出し世に広めました。かように、人類は古代から音バイブレーションを有効に使うことで不可思議なる世界とトランスしたり、内面世界へと瞑想してきました。

Nara Nada Yogaとは? 古代、「奈良NARA」はユーラシア大陸から続くシルクロードの終着点であり日本の始まりの地で、多様な文化、文明、宗教、哲学がJet Streamの流れと同じ方向で西から東へ, そして、人々の動きも同様に東の果てに、流れ着いた終着駅でした。

瞑想においては、まず目を閉じて、意識を単純な連続音に集中、その後、突然の無音で、その瞬間に瞑想状態へ入ります。 いろいろな妄想や感情が心の鏡を曇らせて、それを取り除く作業が瞑想ですが、人間の脳はコンピューターのハードディスクのように一日に3万回程の想念雑念が繰り返し心の中に出力されているので、そんなに簡単には心の鏡にこびりついた妄想、想念や感情が取り払われて、心が光輝くことにはなりません。
このCDのお好みのTrack 5, 6, 又は7を利用して、毎日5分でも10分でも座り座禅瞑想することで、やがては「妄想や感情に振り回されない座禅瞑想」が訪れます。しかし、これは、日常生活と座禅瞑想という別々の二重生活のままです。

日常生活の中に瞑想やマインドフルネスな状態を維持できず、座禅瞑想するときだけ心が澄み渡るような状態で、瞑想が心を和らげる趣味の時間でしかありません。 そこで、ある程度、目を閉じての座禅で、このCDで「無念無想」状態の瞑想状態が実現できれば、その次には、1メートル程先に視線を落とす、「半眼の座禅」へと進み、視覚情報が脳に入っても、CDの連続音を聞きながら、精神統一状態である「無我一念」そして、瞑想状態である「無我無念、無念無想」が維持できるようになれば、普段の生活の中で、感情の浮き沈みや、感情の虜になることなく、マインドフルネス状態を維持することで、感情に囚われても直ぐに本来の「無念無想」状態の心に戻し、元の心の状態を維持することで、また感情や物事に動じない、また感情に支配されて自分を見失わない心の切り替えを早くできる心を育てて、本来の自分の心と魂を取り戻して、自然と調和して大いなる存在を感じながら豊かな人生への「気づき」「ヒント」「入口」になる瞑想CDになればと願います。

私達、「ささゆり庵」はご宿泊のゲスト様やご縁のある方々に、そんな気づきの機会になることで、一人一人の心の豊かさと物質的な豊かさをバランスよく保ち、この地球社会がより穏やかになり、瞑想体験を通じて、表層における互いの相違点よりも深い実相レベルにおける普遍性や同一性を発見することを願ってやみません。庵主は奈良県吉野山 金峯山寺配下の修験道行者であり、日本の始まりである奈良が再び新しいNARAとして、繁栄し、世界にその豊かな精神文化を発信することを期待してこの作品を製作致しました。

ささゆり庵 庵主 松林正哲

1. 和太鼓 七、五、三 Taiko Drum: Shichi, Go, San

古来、日本では神事で和太鼓が使われ、そして神と交わる祭りで 使われてきた。 神事における物事の始まりと終わりを告げる和太鼓で 法具、祭具として、神おろしの音霊として使われた。七、五、三とは 日本の伝統的な「落とし」という技法で、「荘厳」な雰囲気を作り出す。 ほぼすべてのマイノリティー達が太古の時代から使用してきたチャネリングするために道具として「太鼓」が使われてきたが、この和太鼓の音は、日本のチェネリング 音の原点であると言える。

2. 法螺貝 金峯山寺流法螺「護摩始」 Horagai Opening

修験道と言えば法螺貝、法螺貝と言えば修験道と言えわれる。 起源はインドのバラモン教、ヒンズー教の司祭が使う法具として「シャンク」と呼ばれる貝を、ホーマの儀式(護摩)などで吹き鳴らすことから、古代インドやチベットの大乗仏教においても同様に貝を法具として使用している。 「あ・うん=オーム」の「あ」は宇宙創造の音で、「うん」は地球創造の音として、その聖なる原初音を法螺貝は再現すると言われる。 密教ご真言で「おん~~~」の「おん」はこの宇宙創造の原初音で、ご真言=マントラを法具である法螺貝で吹奏するころからの起源。 聖音マントラ「オーム」を修験道法具の法螺貝で、吹奏することで、Nada Yoga瞑想をその瞬間に実現し、「一音成仏」や「荘厳世界」を瞬間的に創造する大切な音霊なのです。 やはり、和太鼓同様に、古来日本における神仏と繋がる音霊である。 法螺貝も同様に多くのマイノリティー達によってチェネリング音として、太古の時代から使われてきた。

3. 般若心経 Heart Sutra

大乗仏教で一番大切に唱えられる経典。その内容は宇宙の真理を説いている。 その経典の意味も大切ではあるが、その音霊波動が浄化をもたらす。

観自在菩薩。行深般若波羅蜜多時。照見五蘊皆空。度一切苦厄。舎利子。色不異空。空不異色。色即是空。空即是色。受想行識亦復如是。舎利子。是諸法空相。不生不滅。不垢不浄。不増不減。是故空中。無色。無受想行識。無眼耳鼻舌身意。無色声香味触法。無眼界。乃至無意識界。無無明。亦無無明盡。乃至無老死。亦無老死盡。無苦集滅道。無智亦無得。以無所得故。菩提薩埵。依般若波羅蜜多故。心無罜礙。無罜礙故。無有恐怖。遠離一切顛倒夢想。究竟涅槃。三世諸仏依般若波羅蜜多故。得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。故知般若波羅蜜多。是大神呪。是大明呪。是無上呪。是無等等呪。能除一切苦。真実不虚故。説般若波羅蜜多呪。 即説呪曰。羯諦。羯諦。波羅羯諦。波羅僧羯諦。菩提薩婆訶。般若心経

Heart Sutra - The Heart of Perfect Wisdom

When Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva was practicing the profound prajna paramita, he illuminated the five skandhas and saw that they are all empty, and he crossed beyond all suffering and difficulty. Shariputra, form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form. Form itself is emptiness; emptiness itself is form. So, too, are feeling, cognition, formation, and consciousness. Shariputra, all dharmas are empty of characteristics. They are not produced. Not destroyed, not defiled, not pure, and they neither increase nor diminish. Therefore, in emptiness there is no form, feeling, cognition, formation, or consciousness; no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind; no sights, sounds, smells, tastes, objects of touch, or dharmas; no field of the eyes, up to and including no field of mind-consciousness; and no ignorance or ending of ignorance, up to and including no old age and death or ending of old age and death. There is no suffering, no accumulating, no extinction, no way, and no understanding and no attaining. Because nothing is attained, the Bodhisattva, through reliance on prajna paramita, is unimpeded in his mind. Because there is no impediment, he is not afraid, and he leaves distorted dream-thinking far behind. Ultimately Nirvana! All Buddhas of the three periods of time attain Anuttarasamyaksambodhi through reliance on prajna paramita. Therefore, know that prajna paramita is a great spiritual mantra, a great bright mantra, a supreme mantra, an unequalled mantra. It can remove all suffering; it is genuine and not false. That is why the mantra of prajna paramita was spoken. Recite it like this: Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha! Gone, Gone Gone beyond, Gone altogether beyond, Oh What an awakening, All-hail !! This completes the Heart of perfect Wisdom.

4. 音叉 Tuning Forks

周波数の違う二つの音叉(263.8Hzと256Hz)を同時にきくことで、脳波はその差である7.8Hzの音を捕らえようと同期すると言われています。 この7.8Hzは地球が発する周波数で「シューマン共振波」と言われ、また瞑想状態で現れるアルファー波やシータ波の周波数と言われており、スムースに瞑想に入れるように脳波を調整することを期待されています。チベットでは「ティンシャ」と言われる二つの鐘を打ち鳴らすことで、その差の周波数で瞑想脳波チューニングするため、瞑想開始と瞑想終了時にこの法具を打ち鳴らすと言われている。

5. 赤目滝「不動滝」の音と静寂 ~Nada Yoga瞑想タイム~

Waterfall Meditation: Nada Yoga Meditation

6. 528Hzの鐘の音と静寂 ~Nada Yoga瞑想タイム~

Buddhist Bell Meditation: Nada Yoga Meditation

7. タンプラ Tampura と静寂 ~Nada Yoga瞑想タイム~

Tanpura Meditation: Nada Yoga Meditation

8. 修験道の真言 Shugendo Mantra


おん ぼうじしった ぼだはだやみ
Om bodhi-cittam utpadayami
意味:聖音オーン 我は菩提心(悟りに向かおうとする志)を起こさん。

おん さんまや さとばん
Om samayas tvam
意味:聖音オーン まさに仏の如くにならん。

9. 仏教徒の真言 Buddhist Mantra

サットサングとはサンスクリット語でSat (真理) Sang (集まり)の意味。 “至高の真理を追究する人々の集まり" 又は、“神と強い絆を持っている人々の集まり" という意味です。 このマントラ(詠唱)は、2500年前に仏陀の下に集まった サンヤシン(弟子)達によって唱えられたものです。

Buddham Saranam Gacchami
(訳文) 私は目覚めた者(ブッダ)の庇護のもとにはいります。
(仏経表記) 帰依仏
I will be under the protection of Buddha, the one who achieved enlightenment.

Sangam Saranam Gacchami
(訳文) 私は目覚めた者(ブッダ)のコミューンの庇護のもとにはいります。
(仏経表記) 帰依僧
I will be under the protection of the commune of Buddha, the one who achieved enlightenment.

Dhamman Saranam Gacchami
(訳文) 私は目覚めた者(ブッダ)の究極の真理の庇護のもとにはいります。
(仏経表記) 帰依法
I will be under the protection of the ultimate truth of Buddha, the one who achieved enlightenment.

Gate gate para-gate parasamgate bodhi svaha
(仏経表記) 羯諦羯諦 波羅羯諦 波羅僧羯諦 菩提薩婆訶
Gone, gone, gone beyond. Gone altogether beyond. Oh, what an awakening. All hail!

10. ヒンドゥー教の真言 Hindu Mantra

インドの聖者「サティアサイババ」が、古来一部の認められたヨーガ行者だけが唱えてきたヒンズー教最高の真言を一般にひろく薦めたと言われてるのが、ガヤトリーマントラ。 このマントラは、3000年前のヴェーダ聖典のエッセンスすべてを含む、ヒンドゥー教において最高峰のマントラであるといわれています。ガーヤトリー・マントラを絶えず唱えることは、過去に犯した罪を癒し、自身に内在する神性を目覚めさせるといわれています。

オーム (宇宙のはじまりのめでたき聖音)
ブール ブワッ スバッハ
Om bhūr bhuvah svah

タット サヴィトゥール ヴァレーンニャム
Tat savitur varenyam

バルゴー デーヴァッスヤ ディーマヒ
Bhargo devasya dhīmahi

ディヨー ヨーナッ プラチョーダヤートゥ
Dhiyo yo nah pracodayāt

Om, shanti, shanti, shanti

11. 神道の真言 「ひふみ祝詞」 Shinto Mantra


“一二三四五六七八 九十百千万 蘭根蒔き 糸結い 強い 麻を 多く育め 交う悪 遠に去り 天の 増す汗 掘れよ。“
"布留部、由良由良止、布留部 (ふるべ、ゆらゆらと、ふるべ)。“

「一二三四五六七八九十百千万と麻(真麻蘭)を蒔きなさい。そうすれば結ばれてきますよ。 生命力が強い大麻をたくさん育てれば、交戦してくる罪穢れが遠くに去るから、天から与えられた田畑を汗水たらして、一生懸命に耕すことができますよ。」

12. 尺八 息観 Shakuhachi: Sokkan

この曲「息観」 阿字とは、もともと梵字で大日如来の種子字を意味し「阿字で始まり阿字で終わる」と言われ、宇宙万有=虚空を含むと説かれる。
プロ尺八奏者 石川利光師の演奏。ささゆり庵では師のライブ演奏も聞くことができる。

13. 鐘 Bells & Bowls


14. Salt of the Sound: Breathe New Life

ささゆり庵のビデオ「Spiritual Mindfulness Adventure」のサウンドトラックにも使用。

15.法螺貝 金峯山寺流法螺「護摩終」 Horagai Ending


16.和太鼓 七、五、三 Taiko Drum: Shichi, Go, San



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